It’s been a year

It’s hard to believe that it’s been an entire year since I launched my new website. Thank you to each and every one of you for your support. Whether you’ve been with me for a number or years already or are just starting your musical journey it is my absolute pleasure to have you here.

Thank you!

Thank you for sharing your time, your voices and your musical talents with me.


I would like to highlight some of the new features that my website has included over the past year.

Online Booking and Payment

This has completely changed the way that I manage my teaching schedule. The booking calendar allows students to book, pay for and manage their lessons quickly and easily online. Students can also see my availability at a glance in case they need to reschedule an upcoming lesson.


This has been somewhat new territory for me as I don’t really have a lot of extensive experience writing. The blog serves a couple of functions. It includes personal updates and news such as this post. It also includes educational posts on various music and non-music related topics. More than anything it’s a chance for me to write down my ideas and share them with others.

Downloadable Content

In my teaching I was having trouble finding resources to help teach Solfege so I decided to make my own. Each downloadable resource is related to a blog post that covers the topic in more depth. In addition to Solfege some other topics include, Key Signatures, Intervals and Vocal Diction.

Referral Program

This was launched back in the fall as part of a way to help grow my studio but to also give students a chance to benefit from that growth. The program is simple, if a student refers someone to me and they sign up for a lesson then the student will receive a lesson of equal value for free. So far I have had a couple of people use this and one without even realizing it.

Monthly Newsletter

The newsletter is a way for me to communicate with my students and keep everyone up to date on announcements and news I might have. It’s also a fun way for me to share different content such as news articles, recordings, local performances etc. I may be switching the newsletter to a different platform and format moving forward. I like doing it all through Squarespace but for the size of my operation it may be a little bit too costly.

Social Media

Did you know I have a facebook and an Instagram page? I may not post as often as I would like to but that may change in the future. Thanks for following!

Future Ideas

Here are some different ideas I have for the future of AD Music.

Student Recital/Masterclass

I may have told you some of you this story but I had been seriously considering doing a recital for my students in Spring of 2020. Of course with the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic this wasn’t possible. I look forward to the day when it is safe to do so. A recital gives students the opportunity to perform and showcase to others what they have been working on in their lessons. It also gives them a clear goal to work towards. I have students of various ages and levels of experience and I think it would be very enjoyable for them to be able to hear what other students are doing. I am hopeful that we may be able to get something together later in 2022 or early 2023.

More Blog Posts

You may or may not have noticed that I try to write a blog post every month. When I first started I had the goal of writing one every two weeks but this proved to be a little bit too ambitious. Moving forward I am going to be a lot more flexible with this. To start I’m actually going to be taking a break as I reassess how how much time I’d like to be focusing on writing as opposed to actually teaching my students.

Instructional Videos/Recordings

I am seriously considering the idea of making instructional videos and audio tracks. These might include vocal warmups, technical exercises or specific skills related to singing. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means a lot to me. If you would like to hear more from me then I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media.

I look forward to seeing you in the studio and online!




Solfege, sol what?