New Website, New Me
Hi everyone, I’m Adam Dyjach. I’m a professional singer and voice teacher based in Victoria, BC, Canada
It is my pleasure to welcome you to my brand new website and the home of Adam Dyjach Music. Whether you're currently studying with me, you’ve worked with me in the past or perhaps you’d like to get to know me, I'm so excited that you are here.
One of the most exciting features of my website is that students now have the ability to book and pay for lessons online. My availability is now visible at a glance which will simplify the scheduling process. Payment options include all major credit cards and debit cards using the payment platforms Stripe or PayPal.
I would also like to draw your attention to some new photos on my website provided by J. Abram Photography. I had the pleasure of working with Jan van der Hooft back in the Fall. Jan was kind enough to do a photo shoot in my home studio with myself and one of my students with the proper safety protocols in place. Jan is a close friend and colleague so I am partial to his work but the photos speak for themselves and I am incredibly pleased with the results. If you haven’t already I would encourage you to take a look at his wide range of work. I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.
The last thing I’d like to mention is about my teaching methods. Last month I had the privilege of taking a Vocal Pedagogy Course online called Somatic Voicework™The LoVetri Method. The course was offered over three days with a focus on vocal function as it applies to Contemporary Commercial Music or CCM for short. This term refers to music that is non-classical and encompasses styles such as Musical Theatre, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Gospel, etc. Although my roots are in Classical Music as many of you may know, I teach all styles of singing. Proper vocal function and vocal technique can and should be applied to all styles of music. I believe that a singer who successfully sings in different styles exemplifies vocal mastery and flexibility.
Don’t worry, my classical training or repertoire isn’t going anywhere. As I said, I teach ALL STYLES which includes classical. Upon finishing this course I felt extremely inspired not only to work with my students but also to sing and to start practicing these techniques on my own. For those of you currently studying with me you might have noticed some of these principles showing up in your lessons.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means a lot to me. If you would like to hear more from me then I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media.
I look forward to seeing you in the studio and online